Thursday, November 15, 2012

Goodwill Fun

Hello, I have been off the blog, but living life!  I have let good ole Quiltpecan handle the whole blog by herself!  I have been busy seeing about my parents whom I am blessed to still have in my life.  They have just celebrated 64 years of marriage!  They are now living in an apartment that is "independent living", however, I am part of the independent, and blessed to be so : )  I also, go to another city close by to see and help care for my 4 grandchildren : )  One adorable 4 year old granddaughter and a set of triplet grandbabies that have just turned 15 months old,  one grandson and twin identical granddaughters.  I also have my dear husband and our household to run, which does not leave me much time for anything else.  I did go to Goodwill this week and found a bargain that I was dying to share with Quiltpecan and you!  I actually found this for $5.  I also have another Goodwill find that I will soon be sharing with you.  But, for now, this is the one I found this week.  Hope everyone is well and hope to be able to check in more often than I have.  Thanks, to my dear friend, Quiltpecan, who does EVERYTHING.  If you need anything, ask her, she can't say NO.   Sydneykatt


  1. Lucky you. I just love the Santa quilt

  2. She always gets lucky in finding beautiful quilts for nearly nothing at Goodwill!! This one is no exception! LOVE IT... Sydneykatt... You'll have to post that ocean wave one you found way back. :-) Love it and you too!!! --Quiltpecan

  3. That is a perfect quilt for the season! I apologize for my very Long absence from commenting on your blog :( The short version is,when I changed my email associated with my blog,your's was one of the blogs I lost from my reader/list!
