Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Strawberry Fields Forever

Welcome to some of the beauties of my yard.  I like to plant but my husband is the green thumb.  We have a yard that does not allow us to plant a garden but we make do.  My husband built one 8' x 8' raised bed a few years ago and it was so successful we added two more.  Our yard is sloped in the back so we made the best of what was there.  We started with strawberries which you will see in the top right bed.  Then he plants green beans, radishes, green onions, tomatoes (in another area) and sometimes peppers for me. 

The strawberries are really plenitful this year!!!  My daughter and I picked 4 quarts out of this little bed on Sunday alone!!!  Hubby probably picked the same amount this week.  They are yummy too.  The plants were purchased through our local extension office.  Not sure the variety but they are really putting out.  My daughter and I cut them up and plan on eating half and making freezer jam with half (of Sunday's bounty.)  In a few more days we'll probably have that many more.  I'm so impressed because with all the excessive rain and early days of extreme heat, I wasn't sure how the gardens would do this year.

We picked about 2 1/2 of these FULL on Sunday
Had a couple furry companions too.  They love to follow us around and be near us when we are outside.  I have two of the best dogs.  Really.  I know everyone says that but I just love them.
And we have some new yard companions.  After watching Gnomeo and Juliet (movie) my daughter wanted some gnomes for our flower beds.  Here are just two of our new guys.  :-)
Hope you are enjoying the wonders of spring and summer in your yard or garden.  I know I just love being able to sit outside even if I'm just sitting and reading in our swing out back.  Have a great day!!!  :-)  Quiltpecan

Last day to enter our giveaway!!! CLICK HERE!


  1. Your strawberries look wonderful.
    Mine are just beginning to get berries.
    Granny Trace

  2. Now, why is my mouth watering for fresh strawberries?? I guess I can HOPE for some freezer jam?? The raised beds look fantastic! We want to see more! Tell hubby, great job!

  3. We just watched Gnomeo and Juliet too and loved it. I am waiting for my kids to ask for some gnomes too. :)

  4. Picked 4 more quarts today!!! Oh my.... My Dad and Sister-n-Law are reaping today's bounty.

  5. Those strawberries look wonderful. We had a patch and my husband ran over it, seems to be a pattern with him and my plants;)

