Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wisteria.....and BEANS?

I bought this wisteria last year.  It has had a hard time since the cold and rainy weather this year, but, it is still very showy and the blossoms are beautiful : )  I love this shade of purple!  I FINALLY got a chance to plant my half-runner beans on Thursday (May 19), so as the weeks progress I will have pictures!  I started growing my beans vertically on a fence, several years ago, where I use to live, because I had such a small space that received sunlight.  It was a HUGE success and the picking was EASY!  So, where I live now, I have a trellis and the beans grow up and the beans stay nice and clean : )  But, last spring, we had so much rain AFTER I planted the beans, they did not do well, I think I picked one time and then there was a rustiness on the leaves : (  So, I am hoping to have a great crop this year : )  Sydneykatt


  1. Such beautiful flowers! Hope your beans do better this year :) I planted my sunflower garden this evening!!!

  2. I planted some different varieties of sunflowers this year. GOt a better start on them this year so hopefully I will have a harvest of flowers this year. My husband planted some beans. It's been so so so so wet I hope they do well. There's always the farmer's market a mile down the road if all else fails. :-)

  3. ajs said...What a beautiful picture and as you know sydneykatt my mom loved purple. Her birthday is today would have been 97.
